"My House is a Wreck!"

Hi! I am Elizabeth. Things have been happening pretty fast in my life! I
just married Mr. Right, became a stepmother to two fabulous kiddos, and had a
new baby- all in the last year and a half! Add a couple of moves and my 36th
birthday in there and you will understand why I am feeling the need to record
this crazy stage of our lives! At least now I can come back and read about it
someday- I know I won't remember! Oh, and keep in mind that I while I am posting
the good memories and high points of our daily life- my house really is a wreck!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Packing Up!!!

Just a quick post to say we are are packing up over here! The cabinets and bookshelves are packed, and we are in that very strange phase where the house is in TOTAL chaos. John Stephen has not cramped my style as badly as I had feared, but he has slowed the process down a tad bit! Luckily, Nana is coming to the rescue in the morning!!

He is going to stay in Little Rock for a couple of days. Don's mom is going hang out with Sydney tomorrow afternoon while Pax helps Don move a few things from storage. The movers will be here Friday morning- I hope we make it!! I am worn out already!

Of course, I shed a few tears this morning thinking about leaving this house where we brought the baby home and where we basically began our lives together! I don't know how I have become such a cry baby! This move is only to a town 15 minutes away and it will be great for us! It may be a while before I resurface- moving and unpacking can detract from personal time. But stay tuned- I'll be back with pics and more fun stuff!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What a Weekend! What a Week!

Whew! I made it through the weekend! Let's just say it was CRAZY! Sydney was very sick with an ear infection. She felt terrible and was throwing up all day/night Friday! Pax was super busy with a basketball tournament. He did not get back with the team until 1AM last night!! Don went to get him at the bus, and we were all pooped out. And John Stephen was just a BABY! All weekend, I had to feed him and carry him around and change him- OH WAIT, I have to do that EVERY day! Ha Ha!

When I started blogging I made a conscious decision not to use my blog as a place to vent about things in my life. Nobody wants to read about the stuff that is hard for me- after all, everybody has their own "hard stuff" to deal with! So, all I am going to say is...This past week has been really hard for me! Like, REALLY HARD! Nothing dramatic or really bad- just life. Today, I feel like I have come back from the trenches and my emotions are raw! Here is a pic of something lovely from my refrigerator. It pretty much sums up my mood last week! Poor Don. Poor Pax. Poor Sydney. Poor John Stephen. Poor Me.

Hopefully, this will not discourage you from accepting any dinner invitations to my house! I am just "keepin it real"! (I know that saying is so last year)! So, cheers to a new week, a new start, and hopefully a new attitude from me. Don has been telling me that you can find great freedom and control and contentment in the way you choose to react to situations in your life. I am thinking about that this week...I'm not sure if I buy it, yet.

I'll be back soon with all kinds of good stuff- we are moving- I'll have pics and details!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Baptism

Well, Sunday went really well, and my heart swelled with pride as John Stephen was baptised. I was really worried that I would cry- I did through my whole wedding, but I managed to keep it together until I was safely back in my pew. The congregation sang Amazing Grace which makes me cry typically, but with the emotion of the day- I didn't have a chance- Alligator Tears! Look at the 3 kiddos in their Sunday duds! This was a major accomplishment that took the better part of a week. Pax is too big for boys clothes, but still growing too fast to buy an "investment priced" blue blazer. We all laughed that the one I finally found at Sears was MACHINE WASHABLE! Normally, I would wonder what kind of person buys a machine washable sportcoat, but now I know- a 12 year old!

Here are my Dad and Gail. She brought several yummy dishes and helped me with the baby the week before while I shopped for a dress for me.
Here are Mom and Steph. Mom came and helped me for the ENTIRE day on Saturday. We had so much fun! And we cooked all day long!!

I didn't get very many pics of the day. After all of the dishes and trays had been cleared away, I remembered that I hadn't taken any shots of the table!! So here is my flower arrangement- I think it looks pretty good for an amatuer. I used Hydrangea, clusters of white carnations (cheap) and leftover pansies from the pot on my front porch.
And here I am holding the "man of the hour"! What a great day! He did not cry at all, and he sat through the entire service without getting too squirmy!

We had all of our parents and most of our siblings and their families for lunch. About 20 people! Menu: Pork tenderloin, marinated asparagus, sweet and sour green beans, tomato casserole, sister schubert's, cheese grits, salmon torte, strawberry pretzel salad, and lemon ice box pie! And iced tea! Yes, we are worn out- the time change did not help matters!! Be back soon! I'm planning Ruben Sandwich Night with the kids for St. Patrick's Day...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Beware the Ides of March!

Hello! I hope that everyone is having a good day! Watch your step and keep your wits about you- it is the Ides of March!! Julius Ceasar was murdered on this day in the year 44BC! And the famous saying "Beware the Ides of March" was written in Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar! So with the literary theme in mind I want to make two book recommendations! The first is for grown-ups, and the second is for kids (or the young-at-heart)!

1. I haven't read much for pleasure since John Stephen was born, but I did read a great book a few months ago that you have to read!!

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

Now, I will read fluffy, chic-lit whenever I feel like it, but do not lump this book into that category because of the cutesy title. Please, DO NOT JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER! This is a delightful story about pen pals after World War II. It takes you back to the German occupation of Guernsey, one of the British Isles. Anyway, it is one of my favorites that I've read in a while, and you should keep it in mind if you are looking for a good read!

2. And secondly, I have tried to read books with Sydney whenever she is going to be here for a long enough stretch to complete a whole book. I hope to show her how much enjoyment can be found in books, and it is something we can do together that doesn't make a mess. So, we were thrilled when Santa brought the complete box set of Laura Ingalls Wilder books!! Sydney is 7, and these are perfect for her reading level. We pile up on my bed, and I read to her. She reads a chapter to me here and there. The first book, Little House in the Big Woods was great, and I think she liked it. We started the second book, Farmer Boy, which hasn't interested her as much. But I am hooked! I have read it the past couple of nights because I have to see what happens!!

The Little House Books

I will pull these out and read them to John Stephen when he is older. The stories about bears, bobsleds, making homemade candy, and farming are very appropriate for a little boy or girl!

And, on another topic, the Baptism was GREAT! I will be back soon with pics and stories! Today, we are recovering from the busy weekend and the TIME CHANGE! I heard a DJ on the radio say "Quit complaining about the time change! It's just like going to New York for the weekend! Get Over IT People! " He has a point, but it does seem hard to adjust!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

This week at Church...

It has been a BIG week for our family. Don had a three day meeting in Little Rock. Usually, he stays at a hotel for this meeting but he had to drive home each evening for one reason or another. The best reason he had to drive home for is this seven year old cutie patootie! She sang a solo at the Wednesday night Lenten Service at our church! It was GREAT, and we were shocked, thrilled, and tickled to see her confidence, poise, and stellar performance! We didn't even realize she could sing!! All we ever hear is Miley Cyrus tunes coming from the shower!! So well done Syd! (Don and I both cried through her entire song- WOW!)

And, I have been racing around getting ready for John Stephen's Baptism. Here is a "sneak peak" of the gown. I cannot really justify why I had to have this gown, but I LOVE it. It will hopefully be a special heirloom for John Stephen to pass down for many generations. Don pointed out that John Stephen might marry someone who doesn't like this gown or who has different plans! I said, " That Little B*$%H better think about who she is dealing with! My grandchildren WILL wear this gown!!" HA HA! Well, heirloom or not, I am looking forward to tomorrow. Mom has been here helping me ALL day- hopefully the luncheon will be nice- I'll post pics as soon as I recuperate- like on Wednesday!!

Isn't it lovely? It will only be about 4 years until John Stephen is wearing camo cargo pants so
I am getting my fix of lace while I can. And I am trying to focus on..."Every good and perfect gift is from above"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

Hallelujah! Spring has Sprung! I saw the proof with my own two eyes on our walk this morning!! Here they are...Jonquils! Don likes to call them "buttercups". They are the first sign of Spring after a LOOOOOONG winter with lots of dreary weather. Thank you Lord for buttercups! They save my not so sunshiney attitude!
John Stephen was delighted with the first sign of Spring himself! Or maybe he was just glad to be out and about! Yesterday, we had to cut our walk short when we met a couple walking their very ferocious looking pit bull. Yes, it was on a leash. And it was probably fine, but those dogs scare me (and I'm a "big dog" person)! I just kept thinking of the news reports where children are attacked by pit bulls. My head was saying, "please don't let my stroller spook that dog, or my baby's coos and gurgles, or my PONYTAIL"! And then I realized that I had forgotten my cell phone, and that I couldn't even call for help if something happened! Totally irrational- I am sure. But I have to say that it was a gorgeous day yesterday, and lots of people were outside walking and playing. I am sure that I am not the only person who found that dog to be a threat to their children. And in my opinion it is tacky to do that to people! (wow, I sure am getting controversial on my little blog!)

So, here is John Stephen after the jonquil sighting! He is wishing that something else would sprout- his teeth! The anticipation is KILLING me! He has been really drooling and chewing this week, and I just KNOW that we are about to sprout the first tooth!!

In the meantime, I guess he will cope by chewing everything in sight!

Well, I am energized by this mild weather. We have a big week ahead...John Stephen will be baptised on Sunday. We are hosting our immediate family for a luncheon after the service. We need to go do our grocery shopping and get started ironing napkins...Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the first jonquils in your neighborhood!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Small Town Friday Night

This picture has nothing to do with this post, but I haven't posted a pic of me on the blog. And it seemed like I should. This was taken in December at the Christmas Tree farm where we go to pick out our tree. Despite the fact that I have terrible allergies, I remain in the "real tree" camp- as opposed to the "fake tree" camp. But, I digress. The point is that - this is me! And I did not have a photo to go with tonight's Friday Night Post!

So, it is Friday night and I am just tickled enough by tonight to blog about it! When I lived in Little Rock and was Single and Fabulous I wouldn't have predicted that my life could come to this! Not that it is bad- just soooo different. And I am sure that after you have a baby your life changes dramatically no matter where you live, but tonight was just "SMALL TOWN"!

First, and worst of all, as soon as Don came home I practically RAN out of the door...are you ready...TO GO TAN! Like, in a tanning bed! Hello, 1993. I am fundamentally opposed to "tanning". I have fair skin, I do not like deep, dark tans, and everybody knows it is bad for you!! But, I have to wear a cocktail dress tomorrow night, and the nearest spray tan is an hour away. Hopefully, I can get one in the morning, but just in case that doesn't pan out...

Then, Don forgot to pick up pizza from the only place that makes pizza worthy of Friday night consumption on his way home. So we had to regroup. We picked Paxton up at basketball practice and headed up to our favorite Mexican restaurant. It is located in the lobby of the Holiday Inn. We all had on gym clothes and I had just gotten out of the TANNING BED! Of course, the whole town was there. There was a constant stream of people coming over to say "hi"- and I guess I learned my lesson about wearing sweats to dinner on Friday night!! I mean, what has happened to me :)?? !!

But then, when I was just about to label the night as a loser- something happened. The best part about small town living. The high school sports hero who has already signed with" The University" for next year came in. He is just as cute as can be, clean cut, and all of the young boys idolize him! He was straight from his baseball game, still in uniform, and he came over to OUR table to say "hello" and to chat about tonight's game. Now, I don't really care much about sports, but PAXTON was absolutely awestruck! He couldn't even speak! I am talking about completely mesmerized! Pretty cool Friday night for a 12 year old boy. And that makes me big-time happy in a small town kind of way!

Goodnight! Sweet Dreams!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy Campers...

Well, it looks like we are the proud 1/2 owners of a summer home! I am so excited! We have gone in with Don's brother and sister-in-law and bought a little jewel! We haven't actually seen this new aquisition, but we get to park it in my in-laws yard at the lake. And you know what they say...If you're lucky enough to be at the lake then you're lucky enough! It is a 30 foot camper and it sleeps six! And the best thing is that we won't have to stay at the "no tell mo-tel" this summer like I had feared! Of course, Don hasn't given me ANY details other than the basics- forcing my imagination to go WILD! I wonder if it will be PINK?!!

I would DIE and go to heaven if it turned out to be a PINK CAMPER!! How cute! Or maybe it has a cute little awning with fringe around it or a scalloped edge?! I did find out that it has a shower and that the refrigerator doesn't work. Oh darn, I guess I won't be able to cook at all!

Do you think a pack-n-play will fit in a camper? Or will we have to leave the baby at home? That is a nice idea...Hubba Hubba!!!
This is me on weekends when we leave John Stephen with the grandparents! Of course, when we have the kids with us I will be wearing pearls and setting up lovely picnics of fried chicken, deviled eggs, and my signature dessert- "Motor-home Marvelous"! I think I found the recipe in one of the Sweet Potato Queen books, and it totally goes with my "June Cleaver goes Camping" theme!
Oh well, I am so honored that the family doesn't mind if we camp out at their house some this summer! I'll post the real camper pics as soon as I see it! I think we are going to have a "work weekend" real soon!! And I know we will be "happy campers"!