"My House is a Wreck!"

Hi! I am Elizabeth. Things have been happening pretty fast in my life! I
just married Mr. Right, became a stepmother to two fabulous kiddos, and had a
new baby- all in the last year and a half! Add a couple of moves and my 36th
birthday in there and you will understand why I am feeling the need to record
this crazy stage of our lives! At least now I can come back and read about it
someday- I know I won't remember! Oh, and keep in mind that I while I am posting
the good memories and high points of our daily life- my house really is a wreck!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thinking about Christmas

Well, every year I plan to do my Christmas shopping early.  I dream of having everything wrapped and under the tree by the first week in December and then spending the rest of the season baking cookies and singing carols!  I imagine a season with no stress and  peaceful candlelight church services!  In my perfect world, not only is my shopping done early, but I also have thought ahead about my "party clothes", and each event we attend is easy and stress free with outfit, shoes and accessories ready to go!  Ha!  Dream On!  My typical routine is to still be shopping the week before Christmas, still be wrapping the gifts on Christmas Eve, and to be running around trying to find something to wear while my husband sits in the car waiting for me to hurry up for each event!  WHY?  Why do I do this to myself?  And my family?

So, this year I need to change my ways.  I have a Christmas Party at my house the second week of December, and a trip out of town the first weekend of December.  I have to be bringing my "A" game in order to not embarrass the family!!  And, let's face it, I have John Stephen to think about- I cannot continue this craziness!  So I am going to really try to to do better this year! 

1.  Make a list of all gift recipients and their gift ideas.
2.  Buy all of the men something and quit agonizing about the perfect gifts for them.
3.  Plan to buy some clothes in November for the Holiday season
4.  Order personalized/monogrammed gifts early for a personal touch
5.  Make a hair appointment for the week before Thanksgiving
6.  Christmas Cards/ AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! 
7.  Plan with family and get our family stuff on the calendar before things get crazy!
8.  Do a little cooking and freezing early!!

A note on the Christmas Cards:  John Stephen is growing so fast that I feel like I need to take the Christmas Card photo in November or early December so it will be current. But I really could get it over with and ready to mail if I would take the pic early. Oh, what to do?  I really wanted the Christmas tree in the background!  Also, since we have moved for the millionth time I should put our new address on the card and get them out early so that we can get some cards here!!   

Welcome to the mind of a crazy person.  I realize that these types of thoughts in September are not rational or normal, but if I don't get it together now then we will be right back in the same routine!  I always feel like the perfect gift is going to come along at the last minute! I just can't pull the trigger!  Oh well, that is how I was when shopping for houses, and husbands too!  Better late than never!  I'll keep you posted!

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