I have always heard that it is hard to get back into your social life after having a new baby, but I never really thought it would happen to me! I am a PEOPLE Person! So I guess it became apparent that I have a problem when John Stephen turned 5 months old and I had barely left the house! Stephanie, my sister, said it was time to RIP THE BANDAID OFF! I guess she was right, and let me tell you it was PAINFUL and FUN!
Here are the shoes I wore on my big night out- that should explain the pain! They are brand new, as was the dress I wore! Last week when I wasn't cooking dinner for the board meeting I was schlepping a 5 month old and his humongus stroller through every store in Memphis looking for
the one dress that would make me look like I had not given birth to a nine pound baby recently!

And then, once I found the dress, none of my shoes looked good! So I had to get new shoes! That's how it goes!
We went to a fundraiser for the Children's Museum of Memphis with our friends Allen and Lauren. And we had so much fun! The event had a circus theme. There were fire eaters at the front door, and acrobats hanging from the ceiling doing cirque de soile style routines! And they had face painters doing elaborate patterns on the guests faces- I had a huge design painted on the side of my face with glitter and sparkles! It was so neat that I wanted to wake Sydney up when we got home just so she could see it, but since it was 2 am...I decided she could just hear about it! Here is the program from the event- we did not take any pictures...But we did dance the night away, and I would say my "Coming Out" was successful!

So I took two naps yesterday, and was so exhausted that Don asked me if I thought I could have MONO! I told him" NO, I just had a dinner party for 30 and took a 5 month old out of town for 2 days of shopping, and stayed out until 2 am dancing! All in one week! I can't imagine why I am so tired!" We went to bed early and woke up this morning to a little surprise...

SNOW! Buckets of it! And it is still falling! We had no warning that snow was coming our way, and Don had to slide to the store this morning for formula and diet coke (the two essentials). The cupboard is bare so I do not have anything simmering on the stove. Guess I will just hibernate here with my little snow baby.

Hope you are warm and cozy at your house...