"My House is a Wreck!"

Hi! I am Elizabeth. Things have been happening pretty fast in my life! I
just married Mr. Right, became a stepmother to two fabulous kiddos, and had a
new baby- all in the last year and a half! Add a couple of moves and my 36th
birthday in there and you will understand why I am feeling the need to record
this crazy stage of our lives! At least now I can come back and read about it
someday- I know I won't remember! Oh, and keep in mind that I while I am posting
the good memories and high points of our daily life- my house really is a wreck!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Show and Tell

Hello Blog Readers! 

It has been a while!  I have to say we have been fighting the crud around here- John Stephen had it and then I got it.  And we all know mamas can't get sick!  SO, I have just tried to avoid thinking about how bad I felt- the Scarlett Approach!  Here is a random post about random stuff that I thought was blog worthy...

First, My niece Liza turned 3!!  She had a Fairy Princess Party, and my sister made the most adorable cake!  Isn't this PRESH?
The little "fairy cottage" on the left is made from Pepperidge Farm Pirouettes, and she used ice cream cones for the castle turrets!  I love that my sister usually makes her kids birthday cakes!  I am not a great baker, but I aspire to bake a cake for John Stephen's birthday this year!  Also, note the herringbone tile pattern on her backsplash- I encouraged her to do that and it turned out great!!  Here is the Birthday Girl!  How cute is she?
Liza's shoes lit up!  Oh, she is super girly, and I am so glad- we are going to have fun through the years!!

Next, here are pics of some cookies I made for Easter.  I stole this idea from an entertaining blog- wish I could remember where to give credit where credit is due!  But, aren't they fun?  I do not think that they tasted very good, but they were fun to look at!  White chocolate mixed with chow mein noodles and corn flakes made the nests.  Then you add the egg shaped candy while it is still gooey.  I wondered if they could be made like rice crispy treats with marshmallows- What do you think?
OK, Aren't these cups hilarious?  My mom had these at her house, and I thought they were cute for this time of year when everyone is breaking out the white linen and the silver for Easter! 

And, If you haven't been watching the news lately you might have missed the fact that the DELTA is FLOODING!!  The Mighty Mississippi has risen to levels that rival the GREAT FLOOD OF 1937! 
This is the approach to the "Old Bridge" to Memphis!  There is normally farmland where you see the water!  I40 has been shut down at one point in Arkansas because of the flooding.  The detour is adding several hours to the trip between Memphis and Little Rock. 
Yep, halfway up those poles!  And, Can you see the almost covered street sign?   We took these pics today on our way to Memphis.  We couldn't miss seeing this with our own eyes!  SO, we are praying for our state and all of those affected by this flooding.  Our farmers are desperate for some dry weather, and my Dad's real estate business has had countless problems with storm damage and flooding!   I think my brother is working into the night to get some cotton in the ground!  Good thing tractors have headlights!! 
Well, I had to throw in one pic of JSM!  We have been driving the Cozy Coup up and down the drive way any chance we get!  He is loving the outdoors right now!!  And I am LOVING him not messing up my house!  So, we might just set up camp outside for the rest of the summer!  Ha!  Just bring your lawn chair and cooler over!  You are all invited! 

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