"My House is a Wreck!"

Hi! I am Elizabeth. Things have been happening pretty fast in my life! I
just married Mr. Right, became a stepmother to two fabulous kiddos, and had a
new baby- all in the last year and a half! Add a couple of moves and my 36th
birthday in there and you will understand why I am feeling the need to record
this crazy stage of our lives! At least now I can come back and read about it
someday- I know I won't remember! Oh, and keep in mind that I while I am posting
the good memories and high points of our daily life- my house really is a wreck!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

America's Favorite Pastime

Hello Blogosphere!  Are any of you holding your eyelids open with toothpicks like I am?  Daylight Savings Time Kicks My Booty!!  Well, Daylight Savings Time compounded by an EARLY morning baseball game in Memphis!  We were crossing the "new bridge" this morning as the sun was rising! 
This weekend was our first competitive baseball tournament!  Great, but lots of work/commitment from the ENTIRE family!  5 games in three days, hour and a half drive to the field, snack bar meals, and an active toddler strapped into his stroller for WAY TOO LONG!  The good news is that I think we have learned a few things after this weekend that will make future tournaments easier. 

Sydney spent part of the day on Saturday at a fashion expo where someone put lovely ringlets into her hair, and she also scored a pair of PINK SUNGLASSES!  Cutie.  Her future is so bright she's gotta wear shades :)! 

John Stephen was dressed for the occasion in his new Target "Faux-bees"! 
The team won 3 games and lost 2!  Pretty good for our first weekend competing!  And I must say that the competitive tournaments are run like a well-oiled machine, which is good if you are spending your whole weekend at the ballpark! 
Here is our boy, BIG'N.  I am mortified.I am so happy that the new team has accepted Pax as one of their own, and bestowed upon him a nickname!  This team has been together a while so we are thrilled that Pax seems to fit in and has made friends so easily.  As he stepped up to the plate on Friday night I heard the boys in the dugout calling out, "Go get 'um, BIG'N"  "Knock it out, BIG'N"  "Allright, BIG'N".  Hopefully this nickname will not stick.  Because I cannot have a husband named "Big Daddy" and a stepson named "Big'N"!!  I seriously can't! 

Hope the Springing Forward hasn't been too hard on you! 

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