"My House is a Wreck!"

Hi! I am Elizabeth. Things have been happening pretty fast in my life! I
just married Mr. Right, became a stepmother to two fabulous kiddos, and had a
new baby- all in the last year and a half! Add a couple of moves and my 36th
birthday in there and you will understand why I am feeling the need to record
this crazy stage of our lives! At least now I can come back and read about it
someday- I know I won't remember! Oh, and keep in mind that I while I am posting
the good memories and high points of our daily life- my house really is a wreck!

Friday, April 8, 2011


Aloha!  We are jet lagged and delirious from sleep deprivation, but I had to post a few pics from our trip to Hawaii! I am sure that I will have to do another post as I go through the 560 jillion shots from our vacation!
As I write this post, at 12:45 AM, I am waiting for Don to return from a late night ballgame in Memphis.  Paxton's game started at 9:45 tonight!  So, we hope Don will arrive safely home by 1:30 in the morning!!  He is a devoted father and fan! 
There is a five hour time difference between Arkansas and Hawaii.  And honestly, I never really adjusted.  The reentry wouldn't have been so hard except that we were up for 24 hours straight on our trip home!  If you are planning a trip to Hawaii, I suggest giving yourself a few days to recover when you get home!  And, I would consider staying a night or two in San Francisco or LA to break up the trip.  For us, the second leg of the journey was really tough- we were on a full flight, and there never seemed to be enough air conditioning or leg room!  I did manage to get us Exit Row seats on the way home, which made a HUGE difference!! 
Here is a pic of Don at he Luau!  We arrived at bedtime on our first day, spent the second day by the pool, and went to the Welcome Luau on our second night!  It set the tone for fun and was a beautiful ocean front setting!  The palm trees were uplit with bright colored lights and the flowers were incredible!

These little cuties were there to greet us at the party!

And the entertainment was a very fun Hula and Fire Eater routine!  There was also Hawain music! 
This is blurry, but I loved the palms lit in different colors!!  It is a BEAUTIFUL place!  And we had the best time!  I will be back with more as soon as I can sort through the camera!  Don just walked in- Home at 1:15! He is operating on fumes!!  Aloha!!

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